80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings: The Brockhouse Corgi Scooter

The 6th June 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings of Allied forces on Normandy. The D-Day Landings, which are the largest ever seaborne and amphibious invasion in history, marked the start of the liberation of France and Western Europe.

The Excelsior Welbike, developed by Lt. Colonel John Dolphin, was specifically designed to be foldable, ensuring that it could fit into a pod and be dropped via parachute. When folded, the bike could fit into a canister measuring just 130cm x 38cm x 30cm, and was able to be assembled quickly once dropped, ensuring that ground troops could move rapidly. These bikes were utilised by British paratroopers during the D-Day Landings on Normandy in 1944.

This bike was then developed into the Brockhouse Corgi Scooter, and was a true collaboration between John Dolphin and Brockhouse, who worked together to adapt the bike into something road-worthy, including developing a more solid frame for the bike, and moving the fuel tank. A front brake was also added, making the scooter road-legal. The bike was given the name ‘Corgi’ due to its similarity to the dog breed: small and tenacious, with a long body and very short legs. The Brockhouse Corgi Scooter was even exported to the US market under the name Indian Papoose.

Brockhouse wound down its production of the Corgi Scooter, and stopped manufacturing motorcycles in 1956, but to this day, we will manufacture components that are used throughout a variety of industries, including the automotive.

The Brockhouse Corgi Scooters still prove popular amongst collectors, with models frequently coming up for auction for £3,000+, and the Brockhouse Corgi Welbike Group consists of active members, sharing their enthusiasm for this icon of British engineering.

As we look back on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings, Brockhouse would like to share in the remembrance of all those who served during the D-Day campaign, as well as those who lost their lives during WWII.


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